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And Welcome!


Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. I’m humbled to have my community’s support. And as I recently said to a friend, the more I learn, the more I'm enjoying my council work. 


Though this website was created as part of my second-term campaign, I'm going to leave it up as-is, since everything here (except maybe a few dates and timelines) remains true about me and the work I've done, both on and off council.  If you’d like to make a donation (always welcome) you can use the form at the bottom of this site. And if you'd like to get in touch, feel free to reach out via email at


Since 2007, my daughter and I have made Monona our home, with our pup Marco joining in 2020. Yep, we got a COVID dog.  Our modest 1950s ranch is more than what we need, with beautiful trees, caring neighbors, kids of all ages, and the best block party in town. 


I grew up on a family farm (dairy/tobacco) about 30 miles south of Madison, where my parents live and still farm today. And from these successful and shrewd business owners I've learned to value hard work, resourcefulness, and thrift. I've also inherited a deep sense of stewardship and respect for our land and other natural resources, recognizing that we need them more than they need us.


By day, I'm part of a group of about 20 professionals who provide IT services to all of Wisconsin's 72 District Attorney offices, with my area of expertise being software development and consulting. I love working on a small team; you get to know your teammates better; wear many hats; understand the entire organization, not just one aspect; and your input can directly shape its direction.  It's not so different from living in a small community. 


Over my years in Monona, I’ve built strong friendships and rewarding connections with many who live here by getting involved and helping out where I can, in the school district and community. Volunteering for causes I support is in my DNA, something I've just always done, another value I was raised with and have encouraged in my daughter,  because I believe we all have a duty to pitch in and help out, and that our communities and organizations are stronger when we do.  

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Decisions and Opportunities Ahead - Experience Matters

I don't have a list of complaints or an axe to grind, just the opposite. I'm incredibly proud of our current city council. We have a great set of caring leaders who work hard, work well together, respect each other, and value each other's opinions. Over the next two years, we've got some big issues coming up, and I see the need for experience, hard work, and teamwork. 


Some of the work currently in committees and the decisions that have or will come before the council are related to: The need for repair and/or replacement of aging public facilities in ways that don't over-burden our taxpayers, including a public safety building; Continuing our work toward an Energy Action Plan so we meet our commitment to 100% clean energy and take advantage of federal funds that can save millions on future projects; Equitable compensation adjustments for retention of city staff; The need to pass an operational referendum to continue services we expect and enjoy; Meeting the need for more housing that is affordable and accessible; Seeing through the implementation of our DEIB report recommendations related to housing, communications, and city operations; Approving a master plan for San Damiano, and connecting Monona to regional transportation through Madison Metro.


Concurrent with all of this is the reality that Monona’s geographic proximity to Madison means we have big-city wish lists and challenges on a small-town budget. This doesn't mean we cannot advance the initiatives we care about, only that we must identify them as values, prioritize them (budget), and ensure we stay on track to meet them. My leadership style is collaborative, cooperative, educational, and I'm confident I can work with others to build understanding and find workable solutions in ways that are respectful and professional. 


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Did you miss the March 9th Candidate Forum?  

Watch the recording on Monona Community Media's YouTube channel
OR, watch on the MononaGO app downloaded to your mobile device. 


I cannot think of an easier way to get to know your candidates.  Five of six participated, and the questions asked were submitted by community members. Topics included: regional transportation, city finances, affordable housing, DEIB, and more.


Note that forum recordings are also available for our MG School Board and Municipal Judge races. 




In addition, each year, the League of Women Voters surveys candidates and publishes their answers online and in printed materials. This year, city council candidates were asked the following questions (with 600 characters to respond). My answers are below.

To see how other candidates responded, go to


(1) What actions or programs would you propose or support to improve public safety in your city?

I’ll continue to support our department leaders' ability to hire, train, and retain competent, caring police and fire professionals, as well as those who keep our streets, waterways, air, and drinking water clean and safe; invest in bike/ped safety infrastructure and modern safety facilities, tools, technology, and best practices; support our wildly successful MG SRO; and continue DEIB learning for all city leaders and citizens, recognizing that the ability to feel safe in a community, to feel that you belong, is also built on education, awareness, sensitivity, and relationships. 

(1) ¿Qué acciones o programas propondría o apoyaría para mejorar la seguridad pública en su ciudad?
Continuaré apoyando la capacidad de los líderes de nuestros departamentos para contratar, capacitar y retener a policías y bomberos profesionales competentes y atentos, así como a aquellos que mantienen nuestras calles, vías fluviales, aire y agua potable limpios y seguros. Invertir en infraestructura de seguridad para bicicletas y peatones e instalaciones, herramientas, tecnología y mejores prácticas de seguridad modernas. Apoyar a nuestro exitoso oficial de recursos escolares de Monona Grove (MG SRO por sus siglas en Inglés); y continuar el aprendizaje de Diversidad, Equidad, Inclusión y Pertenencia (DEIB por sus siglas en Inglés), para todos los líderes y ciudadanos, reconociendo que la capacidad de sentirse seguro en una comunidad y de sentir que pertenece, también se basa en la educación, la concientización, la sensibilidad y la construcción de relaciones.



(2) What is your vision for development and redevelopment in your city?

Five words: More, Taller, Taxes, Variety, Sustainable. We need more development, esp housing, to accommodate exploding populations, keep supply up and demand/associated costs down. Let’s build up, with tall buildings in designated corridors along Monona Drive. We’re land-locked, not “air-locked,” Want to lower your individual tax burden? Share it with more people. We need a variety of developments to suit diverse needs, and address the “missing middle.” And we need to do it all more sustainably, with green design that conserves energy, preserves natural infrastructure, and saves money. 

(2) ¿Cuál es su visión para el desarrollo y reurbanización de su ciudad?
Cinco palabras: Más, Más Alto, Impuestos, Variedad, Sustentable. Necesitamos más desarrollo, especialmente en la vivienda, para dar cabida a poblaciones en expansión, mantener la oferta y la demanda alta/ costos asociados bajos. Construyamos hacia arriba, con edificios altos en corredores designados a lo largo de Monona Drive. Estamos limitados en tierra, no “limitados en aire”. ¿Quiere reducir su carga fiscal individual? Compártalo con más personas. Necesitamos una variedad de desarrollos que satisfagan diversas necesidades y aborden el “medio faltante”. Y debemos hacerlo todo de manera más sustentable, con un diseño ecológico que conserve energía, preserve la infraestructura natural y ahorre dinero.



(3) Are there specific actions your city should take to increase the availability of affordable housing?

Absolutely. Again, start by increasing the supply to bring down demand and cost. Next, support zoning changes to allow ADUs, greater housing density, lower parking requirements, and prioritize this over resource-intense single-family homes. Support Plan Commission’s work to attract developers with experience and interest in affordable housing. And from my DEIB Committee work, let’s re-prioritize TID extension funds to reach those in most need, re-enforce our housing commitments through strategic/comprehensive planning, and build in reporting measures to track progress and accountability. 

(3) ¿Existen acciones específicas que su ciudad debería tomar para aumentar la disponibilidad de viviendas asequibles?
Absolutamente. Nuevamente, comience aumentando la oferta para reducir la demanda y los costos. Después, apoye cambios de zonificación para permitir la unidad de vivienda accesoria (ADU por sus siglas en Inglés), una mayor densidad de viviendas, menores requisitos de estacionamiento y priorizar esto sobre las viviendas unifamiliares que consumen muchos recursos. Apoyar el trabajo de la Comisión del plan para atraer desarrolladores con experiencia e interés en viviendas asequibles. Y a partir de mi trabajo en el Comité de Diversidad, Equidad, Inclusión y Pertenencia (DEIB por sus siglas en Inglés), volvamos a priorizar los fondos de extensión del Distrito de Mejora del Transporte (TID por sus siglas en Inglés) para llegar a los más necesitados. Reforcemos nuestros compromisos de vivienda a través de una planificación estratégica/integral e incorporemos medidas de presentación de informes para realizar un seguimiento del progreso y la rendición de cuentas.



(4) Tell us your priorities for your term in office and your specific qualifications to address those issues.

Thank you for this opportunity to serve and learn. I hope I’ve earned and can count on your continued support. My priorities remain focused on initiatives to advance social equity and environmental sustainability, which are inextricable to most all problems and solutions we face. We’ve made good strides, and I’ll keep working to advance our stated goals in these areas. Qualifications include years of volunteer work, self-education, formal training, and a deep passion, drive, and energy. Additionally, I look forward to seeing through the solutions in progress related to: fair home appraisals, short-term rentals, linking Monona to regional public transit, new and more affordable housing, green updates to our aging facilities, and equitable compensation for all our municipal employees. 

(4) Díganos sus prioridades para su mandato y sus habilidades específicas para abordar esas cuestiones.
Gracias por esta oportunidad de servir y aprender. Espero haberme ganado su continuo apoyo y poder contar con él. Mis prioridades siguen centradas en iniciativas para promover la equidad social y la sostenibilidad ambiental, que son inseparables de la mayoría de los problemas y soluciones que enfrentamos. Hemos logrado buenos adelantos y seguiré trabajando para avanzar en nuestros objetivos establecidos en estas áreas. Las habilidades incluyen años de trabajo voluntario, auto-educación, capacitación formal y una profunda pasión, impulso y energía. Además, espero ver las soluciones en progreso relacionadas con: tasaciones justas de viviendas, alquileres a corto plazo, vinculación de Monona con el transporte público regional, viviendas nuevas y más asequibles, actualizaciones ecológicas de nuestras instalaciones antiguas y compensación equitativa para todos nuestros empleados municipales.




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Helped install the largest rooftop solar array on any Wisconsin K-12 school facility.

In 2019, a number of citizens and I petitioned the MG School Board to form a workgroup of local experts who could look for opportunities to reduce our district's environmental footprint and energy costs. The board agreed, and an ad-hoc sustainability committee was formed.  Over the next two years, we worked with the district's existing energy manager, McKinstry, to understand and analyze energy use data, identify a project at the HS, and recommend to the board that the district "go big". We wrote a grant and were awarded the highest dollar amount of over 100 applicants. In March 2022, construction began at the High School on the largest rooftop solar array on any K-12 facility in the state. To put this into perspective, Wisconsin has over 2000 school facilities in over 400 districts. 


The array is sized to generate approximately 50% of the building’s electrical needs, cutting our utility bills enough to put the project into a cash-flow-positive status the very first year. And over its 30-year lifetime, the array will save or district an estimated $1.5 million, or more, if the cost of electricity rises, which it likely will. From an environmental perspective, our clean, solar-generated electricity is expected to reduce our use of traditional coal-fired electricity enough to prevent the burning of over 16,000 tons of coal and its associated harmful air emissions and pollutants. 


Once the HS Solar Project wrapped up, the work of this group paused, but our school district leaders continue to move the needle on reducing carbon emissions. The district is now planning for a ground mount array in Cottage Grove, next to the new elementary school! 


Being a part of this project was tremendously rewarding, with lessons that translate directly to opportunities than can be applied to our city's sustainability goals so we too can reap similar benefits. 


​Learn more about the MGHS Solar Project at:  

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Founding Member

I'm humbled to be included among the small group of organizing members of Monona ARC, and for the opportunity to co-facilitate some of the earliest ARC conversations in our community.  


By meeting with our neighbors, having difficult conversations in a safe space, developing and deepening our Awareness about systemic racism, building Relationships around this meaningful and critical topic, and making Commitments to do our part, we can start to build a better, more inclusive, and equitable Monona where everyone is welcome and thrives.


Sustainability is often thought of in an ecological, natural resources sense. That is certainly part of it. However, the most truly sustainable communities, organizations, families, are those where all members are valued, safe, healthy, and where access to opportunities, resources, and services is equitable.   


One of the goals of Monona ARC is to empower non-elected community members, and so I'm stepping away from this work that has been a privilege. I invite you to learn more about Monona ARC at:  And if you’re so inspired to join an upcoming circle, please do. You’ll be happy you did. 

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Citizen Volunteer

Since 2014 I've worked together with a number of other committed citizen volunteers and city alders to help increase awareness of sustainable practices, and influence the city's movement toward a greener future. With no standing operating budget nor authority to dictate procedure, we affect change through relationship building, collaboration, outreach, education, and leading by example. 


One thing I’m particularly proud of is our work to research, author, build support for, and ultimately help pass through City Council our community's first-ever resolution to achieve 100% clean energy. Our targets are 2040 for municipal operations and 2050 for residential. Through a combination of reducing our energy consumption (diet) and transitioning to clean, renewable energy from solar, geothermal, wind, etc. instead of harmful fossil fuels (exercise) we can become a healthy and sustainable community - and save money while we do it. 


As alder, I'm 100% committed to helping keep us on track to meet our clean energy goals.


Learn more about (and get involved with!) the City’s Sustainability Committee at:  



Former Organizer, Team Member

This citizen-lead group was formed in response to lawsuits being filed against municipalities all over the country by big box stores who argued that their properties should be assessed and taxed as empty or "dark" stores would be.  Our campaign included public listening sessions, education through social media, and coordinated work to petition legislators.


Founder, Former Program Coordinator

When my daughter was in elementary school I went to a PTO and learned about this recycling program that was in danger of being shut down.  So, I assembled a group of parents and worked to revive it, eventually partnering with the library as a drop-off site. This program is now also part of a green team initiative at United Methodist Church.



Former Sustainability Projects Coordinator

When Monona hosted the annual All City Swim Meet, we did something no other team had ever attempted - a Zero Waste event. And we did it with scores of volunteers, over three days, 25+ acres, and thousands of visitors.  We also partnered with the city's utility, MGE, to offset 100% of our electricity use with green power.  A truly remarkable achievement. 



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"I trust Teresa completely to accomplish any project she is involved with (i.e. Terracycle, Monona's 100% Renewable Energy Resolution, Monona Grove School District's Sustainability Committee, and the High School solar array).  We all benefit from her talents and passion for Monona.  Teresa's leadership and commitment to get the job done has already improved our community in countless ways. I can't wait to see her impact on Monona as an Alder."

Beth Esser
RENEW Wisconsin Board of Directors, citizen volunteer


Always the uncomfortable but necessary part. If you can make a financial contribution to my campaign, any donation of any size helps offset costs, and is truly appreciated.  Thank you!

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Use this form for general questions or contact.

If you'd like to host a yard sign, make sure to include your street address. I'll drop off and pick up.

Thank You!


On a final note, it takes community support, not just elected leaders, to achieve our goals. Volunteers are the heart of a healthy, engaged, and thriving community. Currently, there are about 150 citizens who volunteer on city committees, where the work happens long before it gets to the council for a final decision. And committees are almost always in need of citizens to step up and offer their expertise, experiences, and ideas. You are qualified. Whatever your interests and availability, I urge you to find your fit and help build an even better Monona for all who are drawn here. Apply for an appointment to a city committee here: 


To stay up to speed on what’s happening in Monona, sign up for the My Monona Newsletter.


You can also watch all committee meetings on the Monona Community Media YouTube channel and/or the MononaGo mobile app. 


Additionally, you can sign up for email and text alerts about news flashes, upcoming events, various city services, and the agendas of the city council and various boards and commissions on the Notify Me page of the city’s website, at:

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